MegaPro Biomedical, Co. wins the "15th National Innovation Award-Enterprise Innovation Award"

MegaPro Biomedical won the "15th National Innovation Award-Enterprise Innovation Award", mainly for two new drugs developed with iron oxide nanoparticles as basis —  MPB-1523 imaging agent-hepatocellular carcinoma and MPB -1514 Iron deficiency anemia iron supplement.  Currently, screening tests for trial subjects are being carried out, as treatments for the first subjects of MPB-1523 and MPB-1514 have been completed on November 22nd and November 29th, respectively.

This month, Dr. Xu Yuanhong, assistant manager of MegaPro Biomedical R&D Center, who was awarded the "Chemistry Technology Award" of the Chinese Chemical Society, pointed out that the MPB-1523 trial accepts patients diagnosed with suspected hepatocellular carcinoma and has made arrangements to undergo resection surgery. 60 subjects shall be included in this trial, as they are to be injected with MPB-1523 before surgery to receive MRI scans of liver images, and the results are to be compared with the excised tissue after surgery to assess accuracy and sensitivity. On the other hand, the MPB-1514 trial accepts patients with iron deficiency anemia. Approximately 74 subjects are to be included in the trial, and evaluations will be made regarding the efficiency and effect of hemoglobin increase after taking MPB-1514 injections.

he two new nano-iron oxide drugs mentioned above are both based on superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles developed by native technology, and after being modified and synthesized with polyethylene glycol through the PEGylation technology platform, qualities of having high nuclear magnetic relaxation and high Efficiency of macrophage phagocytosis are achieved.

This feature can be used to visualize tissues and organs rich in reticuloendothelial cells such as the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes at low doses, while at high doses, the liver, which is responsible for hematopoiesis, can obtain sufficient iron to improve on the issue of iron deficiency and symptoms of anemia.

Reference URL:https://money.udn.com/money/story/11800/3562009